Quick Thoughts: Be Different!
“In order to be irreplaceable, one always must be different” – Coco Chanel
Sometimes there are people who think that being different is a sin. Sometimes we are demanded to be the same, or mainstream to simplify hihihi.. Well, I think the other way around :) I think being different is a blessing. Just like our Holy Quran said that we are created differently to complete and help each other.
Being different is not only about the way you act or dress up, being different is also a way to express your personal preference, your characters, your hobbies, your interests; so basically it could be anything! As for me, being different is a form of happiness too. Why? Because we let ourselves to be honest and proud of whom we are and be grateful of what Allah SWT has granted to us. Are you with me? :)
Personality is like a color. Mine and yours would not be the same because each of us is created one of a kind and special! :) Let’s learn how to tolerate each other. By accepting our selves, it will surely help us to understand and accept others’ existence. Learn how to make a gradient of colors for having a beautiful rainbow, a wonderful bond of sisterhood and brotherhood of Muslim. Wallahu’alam bishawab.
What a heavy thought! Hehe, let me what you think below on the comment box! :)
With love,
“In order to be irreplaceable, one always must be different” – Coco Chanel
Ada kalanya ketika orang bilang kita harus menjadi sama dengan standar sosial yang terbentuk sejak sekian lama. Terkadang kita dituntut untuk menjadi seragam sesuai dengan ekspektasi publik, istilahnya kekiniannya: mainstream. Hihihi.. Well, aku justru berpikir sebaliknya, lho :) Menurut aku menjadi berbeda itu merupakan suatu berkah. Seperti yang sudah termaktub dalam Al-quran bahwa kita memang diciptakan berbeda-beda untuk melengkapi dan menolong sesama.
Menjadi berbeda itu ngga hanya mengenai bagaimana kita bersikap atau berpakaian, tapi juga tentang pilihan-pilihan yang seringkali muncul di kehidupan kita, tentang karakter, hobi dan interests kita; so basically it could be anything! Buat aku, lagi-lagi, menjadi berbeda itu suatu bentuk kebahagiaan. Kenapa? Karena kita mengizinkan diri kita untuk jujur, bangga atas diri kita sendiri, dan bersyukur atas segala suatu hal yang telah Allah SWT karuniai dalam diri kita. Are you with me? :)
Kepribadian layaknya sebuah warna. Warnaku dan warnamu pun engga akan pernah sama karena masing-masing diciptakan unik dan spesial! :) Let’s learn how to tolerate each other. Yuk kita sama-sama meng-improve diri kita untuk menerima warna-warna lain untuk tercipta sebuah pelangi yang indah: ikatan persaudaraan yang erat antar Muslim :) Wallahu’alam bishawab.
Berat yaa topiknya? Hehe, let me what you think below on the comment box, yaaa! :)
With love,
Dian Pelangi
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