MPASI story
Assalamualaikum beautiful,
How are you? Hehe.. So cliche and cheesy to open a conversation.. Well actually its not really conversation but kinda one way communication.. Yeah yeah yeah what am I talkin about here?? Hahaha.. Gejee..
Anyway, have I told u that Kenza have already eat now? Yes MPASI phase.. This phase is sooo fun yet challenging since it has its own ups and downs.. It goes up when Kenza eat a lot tanpa perlawanan.. And it goes down when Kenza shut his mouth.. Just shut! Well, namanya juga penyesuaian kali ya.. Jadi ada aja masa masa pengen tutup mulutnya.. Hehe.. The book said that Mommies shouldn't be panic at that time.. Stay calm.. Stay happy.. Well.. Theory is just theory toh?! Hahaha.. Sometimes sih frustated juga klo kenza refuse to eat.. But somehow I remain calm, tapi tetep panik inside.. Thank God my husband always be my back up sunce he always there everytime I feed Kenza.. We made a great team together.. Harus tau deh gimana hebohnya kita klo Kenza lg susah makan.. Amam bertugas nyuapin dgn membawa air mineral gelas + sedotan untuk mancing Kenza mangap.. Tidak lupa nada riamg disertai tarian komyol mengiringi.. Apap bertugas membuat Kenza stay focus dan gak mlengos", caranya ya bawa mainan, balon, or anything that can grab Kenza'a attention.. Hahaha..
All those works seems worth if Kenza finish his meal.. Mungkin terkesan kita maksa anak makan, because the book said that parents gak boleh maksa anak makan.. Well for us, asal anaknya gak nangis, gak ngerasa di bully ya gpp.. Soalnya he needs food, right? Apalagi dia udah mulai banyak bergerak.. Guling sana, guling sini, nungging sana, nungging sini.. Duduk, berdiri.. So he needs asupan energi yg banyak kaan.. Hehe..
Okay, segitu dulu deh ceritanya.. See u!
I'm wearing Victorian Scarf (creme) from Such!, Maxi Drape Skirt (Mocca) from Such!, Mint cardigan by Uniqlo, Celine bag, Andre Valentino wedges..
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