Behind The Scene of Our Book
Assalamualaikum Beautiful,
Have you heaarrrdddd??? That me and my beautiful blogger friends Siti Juwariyah and Restu Anggraini were writing a book together.. Yup! a book with the three of us as authors and fashion contributors. We've been working on this project for almost 5 months until its done, and yup! during my pregnancy.. hihihi.. Another project that I've done with my Junior inside my belly.. what a great time we had.. Junior was soooo cooperative and knowing that his/her Mom is working on her passion.. hihihi.. Alhamdulillah..
It wasn't easy working on this book while I'm pregnant, because I was unable to be too tired or stand too long, etc. Thank God, my book mate Siti and Etu were really understanding.. I'm soo lucky to have friends like them.. thanks girls..
And yeaahh, I'd like to share the "Behind the Scene" pictures from the making of this book.. Well actually not 100% behind the scene since some of the picture also inputted to the book.. Well here you go, the sneak peak..

Annddddd.. Bismillahirohmanirohim.. This is the book cover! Tadaaaaaaaaaa..
The book title is "HIJABIST: The Confessions of Hijab Fashion Bloggers". This is not just like ordinary hijab book, this book is more personal.. Confession? why? Because in this book, you'll find our stories.. Story about each of us, how we find love, our career, our dream, our fashion line.. Complete! This book also provide unique hijab tutorial, fashion tips and mix and match from us. I shall say that we really satisfy with the result! fiuhhhh.. I almost cry now.. Yes.. There are so many emotional moment during the making of this book.. I found new family.. I'm in love with this book.. totally in love..
And the GOOD NEWS is.. You can ORDER THIS BOOK NOW! yeaayyy.. To order:
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So what are you waiting for.. Order this book now (its pre order) and you can get the chance to have signed book from us.. Hopefully this book will be useful and inspiring for the reader.. Aamiin..
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