Interview with Mrs. Anneke Scorpy Situmorang

Anneke Scorpy Situmorang, 28 years old
a brand-new full time housewive
(Anne's just having her daughter 3 months ago)
1. Tell us about your experience wearing hijab and who motivates you?
I learn Islam from a regular moslem gathering held at my house. We have a question and answer session with Moslem leader. I also join ESQ Training, a popular training about how to manage your emotional and spiritual quotient. Moreover, i also browse and read books regarding Moslem especially about hijab. In the end, I decide to cover myself after I went umrah April 21, 2006. I believe my decision of having myself covered is because of blessing and pray from my parents.
2. Beside clothes, what other things that have changed your life after wearing hijab?
I have different perspectives about women in hijab. I used to think that women in hijab is quite boring and thinking nothing but religion. Now, I think hijab is no longger barrier to be anything you want.
3. Is there any habit you stop doing ever since wearing hijab?
I try to avoid places that serves non-halal food or drink
4. What is your biggest challenge after wearing hijab?
My biggest challenge is to train myself to be patient. People tend to think that a woman in hijab is guiltiness, innocent or have no sin. We don't have a freedom to pursue what we like because society have this "certain" image of what a hijabi should be and we are forced to accept that expectations.
5. Determine your hijab style
Im basically a mix and match lover. I like to mix sleeveless dress with cardigans or simply mix long blouse with legging. Surprisingly, wearing different dress can boost my confident up.
6. Any fav brand, celebrities inspire your style?
I am not brand minded since I wear anything looks good on me. Sometime I just wear my moms scarf or her vintage bags. I also like to browse just to check their street style from different countries. Very inspiring.
7. Any particular clothes / style / material or anything you avoid to wear?
A long H-line abayas. I don't know. it looks like what my mom would wear. I don't wear thick material like wool. its just too hot to wear it in Indonesia.
8. What motivate you back when you feel down about hijab?
Sharing with hijabi friends and keep telling myself that Allah obliged every sister to cover my head and Allah know what is best for His ummah.
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