Interview with Mrs. Hanna Faridl

It was early 2005 after a never-ending asks from my father and after he sent me hajj. It's a nice feeling to make your parents proud rite? But after years wearing hijab, i feel that my hijab has been protecting me inside and out.
2. Who motivate you?
My father is my biggest influence.
3. Beside clothes, what other thing that has changed your life?
I don’t feel a lot of change. But I do feel people change their opinion about me. So somehow, the changes from outside has changed me.
4. What difficulties that you encounter after wearing hijab?
One of the hardest part is handling the judgments from people around you. Before, the layers clothes, the loose clothes, the mix and match clothes and scarves are like my daily mumbling. I get used to it. After years wearing hijab, the hardest is to maintain my faith and keep it strong, to be devoted to Allah.
5. Any habit that you stop doing ever since wearing hijab?
I don't feel comfortable going to any place with low light and having those “lounge” image. So I prefer not going to those places anymore. If I do, I mostly wear hat and neck scarf. I cannot handle the stare from people.
6. What advantages do you feel after wearing hijab?
To be honest, wearing hijab is having a privilege of a good first impression. Like Hanna the nice girl, Hanna the well manner women which sometime first impression can trick you. However my hijab is like a reminder not to only look good outside but also good inside.
7. What is your hijab style?
My clothes and my scarves are having the same tone of colors. Most of them are almost in soft colors. It easier to get them mixes. My favorites are cardigans and pants that are loose on my hip.
8. Where do you buy clothes and hijabs?
Trade centers are always the best place to buy scarves. I like Zara’s clothes. Most of the time, I buy one item from there and have a tailor made similar to those Zara’s clothes.
9. Favorite brand?
Anything from Urban Outfitters. Yeay!
10. Any particular clothes/style/material or anything that you avoid to wear?
I don’t wear anything under my scarf and I avoid anything that my moms wear. It’s just to avoid me look older or similar to a momma looking lady.
11. Have you ever think to take the hijab off?
Yes. It comes up when I want to swim, when it’s hot, even when I don’t know what to wear. But it is just a thought. Never have the guts to take it off. I believe my hijab will always protect myself inside and out.
12. Any experience regarding hijab?
When I was in Los Angeles 2007, I often got weird questions. For example where Osama Bin laden is, why Muhammad married kids, and some other questions that I would never get when I live in a Moslem Country. It’s not weird when you know the answer but these questions seem rhetorical to me. Well I didn’t know the answer and it made me realize that I know nothing but to cover my head. Until now I still have so much homework learning my religion and learning how to behave upon other judgments. Moreover, learning that hijab is not about what you wear but how you behave upon your dress.
Mrs. Hanna Faridl
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